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Humanity poem

Humanity poem

You are the secret of the divine version

And you are the mirror of the royal jumble that you are

Out of you there is nothing in the world

You want it yourself

Image result for ‫انسانیت‬‎

You're good and in the Tigers

Open the gods in your freebie

A short poem about humanity
Make good with your creation, for your very nature

Or for your convenience

 Look up to your friend's nose

Do not miss your eyeballs

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The Importance of Loyalty to the Covenant

Because it is a tree, man and man, the covenant

The treatment should be done

He was dead, he was dead

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my child! You can choose any "being" that you want.

But the freedom of your choice is enclosed within the limits of humanity.

With any choice, you must be human beings, or else it is no longer a matter of freedom and choice of speaking meaningless.

That these words are special to God and man, and no one else, nothing

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What does human mean? The human being is the consciousness (to himself and the world), and he creates (himself and the world),

And he fanaticises, and worships, and waits, and always seeketh the Absolute,

Absolute Caller. This is very meaningful.

Welfare, happiness, everyday life, and so on.

If we consider these traits as the essence of mankind, how terrible we see in this lifetime

And this civilization is rivalry and greed and everything is trampled.

Man underwhelms the bulk of his successes.

Today's science makes humans a powerful animal.

You, be what you want, but ... be ... "

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How extraordinary this creature is!

Sometimes it becomes so in a mess that no dirty beast comes to him.

And sometimes, in greatness, it climbs up so much that it does not fit in the imagination

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Stick with everything, mix with nothing!

It's not difficult, not valuable, to remain in isolation
Poetry about Imam Zaman (aj), Imam Mahdi's childhood and Imam Hussein from Hafez and Saadi
Poetry about Imam Zaman (aj), Imam Mahdi's childhood and Imam Hussein from Hafez and Saadi
Who is going to cross the alley path in your gaze? I waited for the night to wake up to my nave in the water of the sea of ​​light ...
Read more

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The purpose of man is not the kind of livestock that the natural sciences and biology speak of,

But the meaning of self-awareness, consciousness, and will of freedom that:

Decides, chooses. Man is always in the process of choosing
Poetry about the death of humanity

Our century

The time of death is humanity

The breasts of the world are empty for good

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From the day that the hand of Cain

Abandoned patrol of Abel's blood

From the day Adam's children

Bitter venereal fever in their blood(شعر در مورد انسانیت)

Man, man!

Though Adam was alive

From the day that Joseph was thrown into the wells by the brothers

From the day they made the wall of China with a whip and blood

The man was dead!

Then the world was filled with Adam and this mill


For centuries Adam died

Do not hesitate

Do not go back;

Our century

The time of death is humanity

The breasts of the world are empty

Talk about freedom, purity, foolishness

Talk about Moses and Jesus and Muhammad is in vain

The Musa Century is Chambé

The time of death is humanity

I wiped out a flower branch

From the silent look of a sick child

From the sword of a canary in a cage

From the sadness of a man in the chain, even kill him

Tears in my eyes and throat

Evening Days

The poison in the poison potion in the soup

Where do you believe the death of him?

It's not about to blow a leaf

Woe to the wilderness

They hide the bloody hands in front of the crowd

There is no animal to live

What is our unbelief with human life

It's not about to blow a leaf

Suppose the death of a canary in a cage is not death either

Suppose a flower branch in the world will never go away

Suppose wild forest was from the first day

In a whistling and blind desert

In the midst of the people, I am patient with these calamities

Talk about the death of love, the death of love

The conversation is about humanity's death ...

Poetry from Fereydoun Moshiri


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